The  Arbitration & Mediation Rules of the 

Philippine Arbitration Center In The Visayas 2021

Article 1: Scope of Application





Article 2: Written Communications




a. received, if it is physically delivered to the addressee; or

b. deemed to have been received, if it is delivered at the place of business, habitual residence, or mailing address of the addressee.





Article 3: Calculation of Period of Time


For purposes of calculating the period of time under the PACV Rules, such period shall begin to run on the first business day following the day when a written communication is received or deemed received. If the last day of such period is an official holiday or a non-business day at the residence or place of business of the addressee, the period is extended until the first business day that follows. Official holidays or non-business days occurring within the period of time are included in calculating the period.


Article 4: Request For Arbitration/Mediation



a.     the name/s, nationality/ies and contact detail/s of Claimant/s;

b.     the name/s, nationality/ies and contact detail/s of Respondent/s;

c.     copy/ies of the Arbitration/Mediation /Submission Agreement/s;

d.     the stated or proposed place of arbitration/mediation;

e.     the stated or proposed law of arbitration/mediation if applicable;

f.      the stated or proposed language of arbitration/mediation;

g.     the stated or proposed number of arbitrators/mediators if applicable;

h.     copy/ies of the relevant contract/s involved in the Dispute/s;

i.      description of the claim/s with an estimate of the amount/s involved;

j.      a statement of fact/s supporting the claim/s;

k.     the documentary evidence relied upon in support of the claim/s;

l.      a list of witness/es together with the relevant witness/es statement/s if applicable;

m.    a statement of issue/s involved in the Dispute;

n.     argument/s supporting the claim/s if applicable;

o.     enumeration of relief/s sought;

p.     a request for the production of document/s, if applicable;

q.     interim measure/s sought, if applicable;

r.      the name/s, nationality/ies and contact detail/s of any third-party funder/s if applicable;

s.     procedural agreement proposal/s, if any;

t.      application for expedited procedure, if applicable;

u.     application for emergency arbitration, if applicable; and

v.     payment of provisional advance on cost.





Article 5: Response to the Request For Arbitration/Mediation


a.     agreement to arbitrate/mediate [or a plea that an arbitral tribunal/mediator to be constituted under the Rules lacks jurisdiction or that the Disputes are not arbitrable/mediatable , if applicable];

b.     the name/s, nationality/ies and contact detail/s of Respondent/s;

c.     the name/s, nationality/ies and contact detail/s of additional party/ies;

d.     copy/ies of the Arbitration/Mediation/Submission Agreement/s;

e.     the stated or proposed place of arbitration/mediation;

f.      the stated or proposed law of arbitration/mediation if applicable;

g.     the stated or proposed language of arbitration/mediation;

h.     the stated or proposed number of arbitrators/mediators if applicable;

i.      copy/ies of the relevant contract/s involved in the Dispute/s;

j.      response to the claim/s;

k.     description of any counterclaim with an estimate of the amount/s involved;

l.      a statement of fact/s supporting the response and any counterclaim/s;

m.    the documentary evidence relied upon in support of the response and any counterclaim/s;

n.     a list of witness/es together with the relevant witness/es statement/s if applicable;

o.     a statement of issue/s involved in the Dispute;

p.     argument/s supporting the response and any counterclaim/s;

q.     enumeration of relief/s sought;

r.      a request for the production of document/s, if applicable;

s.     interim measure/s sought, if applicable;

t.      the name/s, nationality/ies and contact detail/s of any third-party funder/s if applicable;

u.     procedural agreement proposal/s, if any;

v.     application for expedited procedure, if applicable;

w.    application for emergency arbitration, if applicable; and

x.    payment of provisional advance on cost.





Article 6: Joinder of Additional Parties/Multiple Contracts and Consolidation







a.     the parties agree to consolidate; or

b.    all the claims in the arbitrations/mediation are made under the same arbitration/mediation agreement; or

c.    where the claims are made under more than one arbitration/mediation agreement, and the rights to relief claimed are in respect of, or arise out of, the same transaction or series of transactions, and PACV finds the arbitration/mediation agreements to be compatible.



Article 7: Third-Party Funding (not applicable to mediation)







Article 8: Selection of The Mediator







Article 9: Other Provisions on Mediation





Article 10: Arbitral Tribunal












Article 11: Challenge of Arbitrators


















Article 12: File Counsel





Article 13: Tribunal Secretary





Article 14: Seat of Arbitration




Article 15: Language



Article 16: Terms of Reference, Case Management Conference and Procedural Timetable



a.     the name/s, nationality/ies and contact detail/s of the parties, representatives, and counsel;

b.     the Arbitration/Submission Agreement/s, including the place of arbitration, law of arbitration, and language of arbitration;

c.     the name/s, nationality/ies and contact detail/s of the arbitrators;

d.     the name/s, nationality/ies and contact detail/s of the File Counsel if applicable;

e.     the name/s, nationality/ies and contact detail/s of the Tribunal Secretary, if applicable;

f.      the relevant contract/s involved in the Dispute/s;

g.     summary of all the claim/s with an estimate of the amount/s involved, including the arguments relied upon and the reliefs sought;

h.     a statement of the admitted fact/s;

i.      a statement of issue/s involved in the Dispute;

j.    the particulars of the applicable laws and procedural rules other than the Rules and, if necessary, reference to the power conferred upon the arbitral tribunal to act as amiable compositeur or to decide ex aequo et bono;

k.      the documentary evidence relied upon in support of all the claim/s;

l.      a list of witness/es together with the relevant witness/es statement/s;

m.    the procedural timetable;

n.     the ruling on the request for the production of document/s, if applicable;

o.     interim measure/s sought/granted, if applicable;

p.     the name/s, nationality/ies and contact detail/s of any third-party funder/s, if applicable;

q.     application for expedited procedure, if applicable; and

r.      emergency arbitration ruling, if applicable.








Article 17: Pleas as to the Jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal








Article 18: Hearings








Article 19: Applicable Law, Evidence and Burden of Proof







Article 20: Experts Appointed by the Arbitral Tribunal







Article 21: Default


a.     if the claimant fails to complete the Request, the request for arbitration shall not be accepted by PACV.

b.     If the Respondent fails to submit its Response, the arbitral tribunal may nevertheless proceed with the arbitration, without treating such failure in itself as an admission of the claims, and deliver an award. This shall also apply to a failure to submit a reply to a counterclaim, or any other claim.

c.     If any of the parties, or its witnesses, duly notified under the Rules, fails to appear at the hearing, the arbitral tribunal may nevertheless proceed with the hearing and deliver an award.




Article 22: Interim Measures of Protection











Article 23: Waiver of Right to Object


A failure by any party to object promptly to any non-compliance with the Rules or with any requirement of the arbitration agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver of the right of such party to make such an objection, unless such party can show that, under the circumstances, its failure to object was justified.


Article 24: Confidentiality of Proceedings


The arbitration process is by nature confidential. PACV, the arbitral tribunal and the parties shall keep confidential all matters relating to the mediation, unless required by law to do so.


Article 25: Awards / Decisions











Article 26: Settlement or Other Grounds for Termination








Article 27: Interpretation of Award




Article 28: Correction of Award




Article 29: Additional Award





Article 30: Cost


a.     the arbitrators' fees and any Filing Fees, administrative fees and expenses set by PACV in accordance with the Rules and the Guidelines on Fees;

b.     the travel and other expenses incurred by the arbitrators;

c.     the cost of expert advice and of other assistance required by the arbitral tribunal;

d.     the travel and other expenses of witnesses to the extent such expenses are approved by the arbitral tribunal;

e.    the cost of legal representation and assistance reasonably incurred by the successful party in connection with the arbitration, provided such cost were claimed and proved during the arbitral proceedings.







Article 31: Expedited Procedure


a.     the amount in Dispute representing the aggregate of any claim, counterclaim,  or any other claim does not exceed Twenty-Five Million (Php25,000,000) Pesos; or

b.     the parties so agree; or

c.     in cases of exceptional urgency.





Article 32: Emergency Arbitrator



a.     assign a provisional docket number to the Application upon payment of the amount referred to in the preceding paragraph;

b.    assess the applicant the further Emergency Arbitration Fees, in accordance with the Guidelines on Fees, taking into account the nature of the case and the estimated amount of work to be performed by PDRCI and the Emergency Arbitrator;

c.     transmit a copy of the application to the other parties, who shall have a period of fifteen 15) days within which to file its comment to the application;

d.     appoint an Emergency Arbitrator within two days after receipt of the application and the Emergency Arbitration Fee, whichever is later; and

e.     transmit the file to the Emergency Arbitrator once appointed, with notice to the other parties.





a.     be in writing;

b.     state in summary form the reasons upon which the decision is based, unless the parties have agreed that no reasons are to be given;

c.     state the date when it was made and be signed by the Emergency Arbitrator; and

d.     set the cost of the Emergency Relief proceedings and allocate such costs in accordance with the Rules.



a.     upon the arbitral tribunal rendering a final award, unless the arbitral tribunal expressly decides otherwise;

b.    upon the withdrawal of all claims or the termination of the arbitration before the rendering of a final award; or

c.    if the arbitral tribunal is not constituted within thirty (30) days from the date of the filing of the Response.






Article 33: Application of the Rules


In all matters not expressly provided for in these Rules, by the PACV Arbitration Rules the previous PACV Adopted Rules shall have suppletory application whenever practical and convenient.


Model Arbitration Clause:


"Any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or the existence, validity, interpretation, breach, or termination thereof shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Philippine Arbitration Center In the Visayas. (PACV) in force at the time of the commencement of the arbitration.


The number of arbitrators shall be (one or three).  The seat of arbitration shall be (city or country). The law of the arbitration agreement shall be (applicable law).  The language(s) to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be (language)."


Model Mediation/Arbitration Clause:


"The parties shall settle any dispute, controversy, difference, or claim under this contract by mediation pursuant to the Mediation Rules of the Philippine Arbitration Center In the Visayas (PACV).  In the event of  refusal or failure of mediation, or no settlement within 30 calendar days from commencement of the mediation occurs, or such other period agreed upon in writing by the parties, then the dispute shall be finally settled by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Philippine Arbitration Center In The Visayas then in force at the time of the commencement of the arbitration.


“The number of arbitrators shall be (one or three).  The seat of arbitration shall be (city or country). The law of the arbitration agreement shall be (applicable law). The language(s) to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be (language)."


Submission Agreement:


In view of the existence of "a [dispute/controversy/claim] having arisen between the parties concerning [ … ], the parties hereby agree that the [dispute/controversyclaim] shall be referred to and finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Philippine Arbitration Center In The Visayas. (PACV) in force at the time of the commencement of the arbitration.


The number of arbitrators shall be (one or three). The seat of arbitration shall be (city or country). The law of this agreement shall be (applicable law). The language(s) to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be (language)."